StreamGit - GitHub Analytics Dashboard & CLI Tool
StreamGit is a Streamlit app that uses the GitHub API to provide a comprehensive analytics dashboard and CLI tool for analyzing and managing GitHub repositories.
Map the Vote 2024
Map the Vote is an interactive web application that allows users to explore and visualize different scenarios for the 2024 U.S. Electoral College map.
Streamlit Folium Map of Philadelphia's Steamloop
This interactive data visualization uses Streamlit and Streamlit-Folium to generate a mapping dashboard of the Philadelphia steamloop.
30 Days of Maps Challenge (2023)
A series of maps created for 30DayMapChallenge, a daily social mapping project happening every November.
FOSS4G NA 2023 Recap: Exploring Open Source Geospatial Tools
Last October, I had the privilege of attending the FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) North America 2023 conference in Baltimore.
P3: Philadelphia Permitting Predictions
A predictive model written in R for Philadelphia’s zoning and permitting data. It aims to predict the number of future permits issued in a given month based on historical data. This project was completed as a group project for a graduate course in Public Policy Analytics.
Motus Radio Telemetry Wildlife Tracking - Capstone Project
Using the Motus wildlife tracking system, I studied how birds perform after surviving window collisions during migration. This research, conducted in collaboration with Powdermill Nature Reserve and Willistown Conservation Trust, compared the migration patterns of rehabilitated birds against their wild counterparts. Revisited using MovingPandas, this analysis now includes advanced trajectory analysis of migration patterns.